Her humble beginning
Mrs. Sarika Nagrath has always been deeply drawn to philosophy, mysticism, spirituality and spiritual sciences. Her own journey as a seeker began at a young age when as a child she found herself naturally drawn to ochre-clad yogis. She read books on saints and Sages at an age when most children were engrossed in their make-believe worlds. She had visions of saints and yogis on a few occasions but kept those to herself. As a child, she was energetic, cheerful and an exceptional learner who loved her studies. She displayed fortitude, leadership qualities and organisational abilities right from her early years.
As a young adult, she took on the responsibilities of being a wife, mother and school teacher. Even before she turned twenty, she experienced a life-threatening health episode that became a critical turning point in her spiritual journey. In an out of body experience she, for the first time in this lifetime, saw her Immortal Guru and Guide Shri Mahavatar Babaji, a Himalayan Yogi. Unknown to her, this was the first of many times that Babaji would come into her life bringing abundant gifts of solace, peace, divine unconditional love and unparalleled illumination.
As a householder, she carried out her duties sincerely and happily, though the search for the true meaning of her life was always at the back of her mind. She spent her quiet hours praying, reading and introspecting deeply. In the early stages of her spiritual quest, she took the guidance of a few gurus. When she couldn’t find the answers to persistent life problems and was dissatisfied by her slack progress, she realised she had outgrown the class. She felt the need for an experienced and advanced Guru. One who was truly enlightened and was steadfast and powerful enough to guide her all the way till eternity. She waited for such a Guru to come into her life impatiently for many years.
There was a plateau in her personal and spiritual growth that extended for over 28 years. During this time, there was no specific development in her personal, professional, financial or spiritual life. She faced this long haul of stagnation with a gratified mind and exceptional perseverance. She internalised her mind and senses and became quiet within. Her undying faith and longing to see Light within kept her going.
She took her life experiences as education and accepted life as it came. She further delved deeper into the real purpose of her life and developed great understanding about human behaviour, relationships and the impermanence lying behind all this.
She kept her mind focused enduringly on finding the Ultimate Truth and liberating herself by giving her external conditions very little importance. She sacrificed material benefits and worldly comforts without resentment. Without a Guru, she relied on her faint intuition and sturdy faith to show her the lit path. She continued extensive reading of scriptures and found support in the wise words of realised Sages and saints. From time to time she grappled with despondency. At this point in time, she had a few paranormal experiences. She realised that she had a heightened instinct, could read and feel energies and people and could connect to the other worlds effortlessly. She wished to go further and open the doors of the subsequent worlds.
Rare heightened spiritual experiences
In the year 2001, she relocated from New Delhi to Mumbai and this was a landmark turning point in her life. The efforts of the last three decades began to yield results in wondrous ways. There was a marked escalation in her spiritual experiences and attainments. She was able to sense surreal energies, read auras and heal through mental powers. She could travel to far off worlds and communicate with located beings of those worlds and get answers about metaphysical matters. She could see and connect with departed souls and received several blessings from them for being selfless in her spiritual goals.
She began meditating regularly. Through meditation, she telepathically came in contact with her Param Guru Shri Mahavatar Babaji, a Himalayan Yogi over 1800 years in age. He is working tirelessly to uplift humanity and turn human race towards truth, morality and spiritual growth.
This was the Guru she had been waiting for all her life. Twenty-eight years of stagnation culminated in God finally revealing her left behind Guru. She became a direct disciple of the exalted saint in no time and He guided her on personal and spiritual matters extensively. Over time, He introduced her to other great Yogis, Rishis and saints working from the astral plane in unity. She gained immensely from these immortal Gurus, communicating only through highly developed intuitive faculties. She traveled the length and breadth of the country, undertaking countless pilgrimages to intensify her purification and tapas.
Her natural intuition heightened further to become exceptional. She had darshan or face to face encounters with Siddhas, Rishis, Avatars and illumined saints countless times during transcendental periods. She brought down tremendous knowledge for herself to liberate her soul and free herself from the baggage of karmas of many lives through these heightened spiritual experiences. She gained extensive knowledge about the timeless and puzzling principles of action and reaction and their application in real life. She has documented some of her stellar experiences in her blog. They will always be an everlasting lamp of dazzling light to all eager and faithful aspirants. There was further advancement of her paranormal and cognitive faculties. She mastered astral travel and became proficient at communicating with immortal Sages, Rishis, Maharishis of yore through mind travel in far Spaces. Her mind and meditations became profound. She could travel back and forth in time on the timeline. She further gained momentum by meditating in highly vibrant, penance places of revival of these Rishis; touched Eternity and went beyond Eternity to reach rarest of rare spiritual heights in 2018 besides travelling into different galaxies of the Universe.
Once firmly established in being proficient with mental communications and increased mind power, she submitted herself wholly to service and began working in collaboration with her Gurus, ancient Sages and Light Masters to help other worthy seekers. Her work is on both in the physical and astral plane. She is in close communion with Rishis and receives messages from them. She is working with them in synchronization for her further advancement as well as for the benefit of other sadhaks who come to her to seek guidance for spiritual growth.
She is also presently collaborating with Amara Maharishi and Guruji Krishnananda of Manasa Foundation, Taponagar, Bangalore with the backing of the Sapt Rishis or Seven Sages. This is to help sadhaks gain the timeless spiritual knowledge of God Realisation and to learn Meditation. It is natural to link with Manasa Foundation as the Knowledge in her writings has touched beyond infinity level & and her post converges with the wisdom of Guruji Krishnananda, Amara and the constellation of Rishis. Both the Foundations are issuing books for the augment of the New Age or Satya Yug and they aim to revive Yoga Vidya of ancient Sages. She will be learning from these Rishis eternally about God and God’s countless mysteries.
The Rishis have spent years on research on the direct, shortest and surest way to reach God appropriate for this time and age. Mrs. Nagrath is a live example on how to attain God in this lifetime. Her forte is applying a practical approach in dealing with life problems and challenges, and attaining Wisdom, Knowledge and Peace through Karamyoga on the side. The works of the Rishis and her when understood together give a seeker a complete road map of the spiritual journey to Self-Realisation, knowing Atma or God, and God’s hidden principles for us to follow blindly.
In 2008, she began documenting her exceptional spiritual journey, her efforts, attainments, and most importantly, the messages from the Masters in her blog. At inception, the blog was guided by Shri Mahavatar Babaji. It now has the blessings of Shri Mahavatar Babaji’s Paramgurus – Murugan Swami, Bogarnathar Maharishi, Agastya Maharishi, and many other saints and Sages. This reflects in the articles published after she visited Dwarahat in September 2014. She meditated in the cave where Shri Mahavatar Babaji initiated Lahiri Mahasaya into Kriya Yoga in 1861 to bring about a new wave of spiritual enlightenment and purification in the society.
As she devoutly followed the counsel of her Gurus and transformed her life at an unprecedented pace, she went further on her spiritual trajectory than anyone would have anticipated. The blog witnessed the same expansion, escalation and depth. The blog documents for posterity an ocean of divine knowledge on lost methods of achieving Self-Realisation by attaining peace and silence – maun and shanti in modern times. It presents to the seeker simple and practical ways in which God may be attained. She has been writing without a break since 2008 and shall do so till she departs unless God wills otherwise.
Seekers found her through the blog and there were exchanges over the blog and emails. Gradually, a group of sincere seekers was formed. She opened her home in 2011 to such seekers and began holding Discourses for one-to-one discussions and personal guidance. These Discourses were soon being organised in other cities too. In 2013, she took to Facebook to write in a more compact and crisp format, and spread the message further.
The Nav Jeevan Jyoti Foundation is a natural outcome of Mrs. Sarika Nagrath’s unceasing and ardent efforts in Self-Realisation. This Foundation will give a defined channel to the spiritual service that she offers on the physical or worldly level.
Publications of her distinguished work and Discourses on Self-Realisation would be organised through NJJF. In this manner, the highest, unchanging tenets of spiritual realisations would reach a greater number of people over years. As the planet is a matter of serious concern to her Gurus and herself, she wishes to work on environmental issues, such as tree plantation and water conservation in the future through this Foundation. She firmly believes that people associated with her should realise the importance of preservation of our planet and involve themselves into restoration and conservation work through the Foundation.
Mrs. Nagrath attributes her Self-Realisation and rare spiritual achievements to her eternal Gurus who have held her hand steadfastly, guided her and watched over her over lives. It is her personal desire to learn incessantly and work till the very end and help other sincere seekers reach their spiritual destinations with God’s Grace.