Nav Jeevan Jyoti Foundation (NJJF) established in 2017, aims at preserving and disseminating ancient spiritual knowledge of God Realisation for posterity and now.
The Foundation was established by Mrs. Sarika Nagrath, a lifelong spiritual seeker who wished to document, preserve and share spiritual knowledge that she garnered through her hard-earned efforts and Guru Kripa over years of penance. By sharing the lost Spiritual Precepts and Eternal Truth, she hopes that other seekers may be guided in the right direction on their journey to Self-Realisation.
It will publish several books written by Mrs. Nagrath. These books will reveal to modern society long lost, ancient spiritual sciences of liberation and enlightenment in today’s technology ridden society. The books will work as a reliable and honest guide for spiritual seekers all through their way.
The spiritual evolution of human beings’ as well as growing trees are similar in nature – they both are tedious and time consuming and are slow in showing progress. They build up slowly with immense efforts and show visible results after a protracted length of time. Nav Jeevan Jyoti Foundation is earnestly committed primarily to these two activities apart from other environmental issues related to world climate change and its negative effects on the lives of the people of the world.
It is the aim and lifelong goal of the Founder to raise the consciousness of the people through her writings and talks, grow trees, work for Nature in other areas as well. She believes that revival of degraded human Spiritual Consciousness and the Environment are urgent needs of the hour in today’s world universally. Nav Jeevan Jyoti Foundation is a means to achieve those objectives for the benefit and progress of many generations of the world at large for today and the future yet to unfold.